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Why Allen Baker?

At Allen Baker, we fervently believe that few vocations more clearly reflect the higher duty of care to another individual as that which comes with serving as a trusted advisor.

While our primary emphasis is investment/wealth management, we accept that these phrases will mean one thing to one person by something entirely different to another. Some might see it as uncompromising wealth-accumulation whilst others might view it as the business of mitigating the risk of loss that existing wealth is exposed. We offer high professionalism, extensive knowledge of our markets and we pride ourselves on being able to adapt the requirements of each individual client.

Our Independence is Your Assurance

The greatest strength in our approach is the relationship we form with each client. Our staunchly-guarded independence rejects third party compensation and, in doing so, eliminates the hidden potential for conflict of interest that afflicts so many of our rivals. Ultimately, this means you can safely rest knowing that any recommendation we proffer will have the best interests of you and your portfolio at its heart.


At Allen Baker, we fervently believe that few vocations more clearly reflect the higher duty of care to another individual as that which comes with serving as a trusted advisor.

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Our experience has left us in no doubt that the accumulation of wealth is best achieved using long-term investment in stocks, corporate bonds and commodities.

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Analysis & Research

Allen Baker's investment philosophy is founded upon our real-world comprehension of financial markets and their drivers. At their heart, markets are comprised of individuals and it's vital that whatever decisions we make are implemented without emotion.

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